This page is a collection of ORIGINAL sayings, thoughts, questions, statements or scripture verses by Deborah Ross.
Please give credit when sharing. Thank you.
They called Jesus Beelzebub because he spoke truth, healed the sick and cast out devils. When they call you names, you’re in good company with Jesus! #speaktruth #kingdombusiness #NotMainstream #swimUPstream
Luke 11:18-19
If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul. And if I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? So they will be your judges.
Pray like you’ve never prayed before.
Remember EVERY DETAIL of this SPECTACLE so that when it’s over you can recount it to your children and your children’s children.
#GodWins #Juan #JFKJR #BuckleUpAmerica
Some have been busy studying the controller’s lies instead of the Master’s truths.
Aren’t you glad Noah didn’t just sit at home and pray, saying “God’s in Control?”
Christians celebrate Halloween, Christmas and Easter (Ishtar) but the Nation of Israel celebrates God’s Feasts.
Hmmm… you think something’s wrong with our customs & traditions?
#theylied #matrix #wakeup
Opinions get in the way of the Holy Spirit
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that STRETCHETH OUT THE HEAVENS AS A CURTAIN, and spreadeth them out as a TENT to dwell in: - Isaiah 40:22 KJV
I suppose the ugliest response a "Christian" makes is a prideful_argumentative_ignorant_slanderous_degrading jab while smiling.
Seasons Means...
appointed feasts, appointed festival, appointed meeting place, appointed time(s), festal assemblies
Genesis 1:14
Religious Strongholds:
evident when cliche's & dogmatic phrases are uttered in response to revelation knowledge
Those who insist on their “opinion” miss the teaching of the Holy Spirit.
#RhemaWord #unction #searchitout #hiddentreasures #mysteries #TruthMatters
“Whatever is, has already been, and whatever will be, already is.
However, God seeks justice for the persecuted.” - Ecclesiastes 3:15 CSB
Rapture Coma
Slang: When the people of God are too afraid, too apathetic or too religious to do anything - or care - because “they’re” getting out of here anyway.
If you walk by sight instead of by faith, the enemy will use technology, illusion and all sorts of lying hocus pocus to deceive you in these trying times. #PayAttention #youarewatchingamovie #ExposureIsComing #Godwins
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the expanse (firmament, dome, vault) proclaims the work of his hands. Day after day they (the heavens) pour out speech; night after night they (the heavens) communicate knowledge. There is no speech; there are no words; their voice is not heard.
Their message has gone out to the whole earth, and their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens HE HAS PITCHED A TENT FOR THE SUN. It (the sun) is like a bridegroom coming from his home; it (the sun) rejoices like an athlete RUNNING A COURSE.
It (the sun) rises from one end of the heavens and circles to their other end; nothing is hidden from its heat.”
Psalms 19:1-6 CSB
QUESTION: How can this passage be true if the earth rotates around the sun? Is the Bible true, or is science true? Who’s report will you believe?
#itsflat #thinkaboutit #thewonderofitall #TheyLiedToYou #theyknow
When you handle the Word of God as an intellectual professional instead of a little child, you circumvent the kingdom.
Manifestations of a Stronghold:
Won’t look at the facts; but has a strong opinion
If you’re still rolling your eyes at those who say mind boggling truths that get labeled conspiracy theory, you better brace yourself for The Day of the Lord. #wewin #bumpyride #TruthPrevails #itsnotwhatyouthink
Posted Sept 2022
You might be asleep at the wheel if you can check the box on any of the below:
1) You still believe the M S M is telling you the truth
2) You are still wearing a face covering
3) You still believe the “vaq sene” is legit, it will keep you from getting the crud and there have been no serious side affects (including DOA)
4) You are proud to support Joe the resident
5) You don’t understand the significance of the years 1776 verses 1871
6) You are oblivious to the depths of human traphicking and/or if you do know, you aren’t concerned
7) You don’t understand cloud seeding
8. You don’t understand the significance of stolen elections
9) You honestly think that Fact Chacckers are legit
10) You’ve never noticed streaks in the skies (typically followed by the next day of gloomy weather/rain/etc)
11) You don’t understand that the Bible is spiritual, physical, mental, political, eternal, and more. God never called us to passivity.
12) You just want your agenda, your fun, your normal life and don’t connect the dots of how “we all” have a responsibility to individually choose the right thing so that “we” collectively will live in peace, health and prosperity
13) You never learned about cloning in school
14) You haven’t connected the dots of how movies are eerily parallel to the craziness of our day.
15) You still believe natural remedies, prayer, research and personal responsibility are the mindset of “quacks” because science has proven pills and/or ’s are God’s best. You honestly believe big farm-a is sincerely interested in your health and not their pocketbook.
16) You have no idea what a false flag is
17) You don’t know what a CGI, green screen, or Hollywood mask can do to fool the public both on TV, in person and even in the sky.
18) You don’t think online dictionaries, encyclopedia’s, articles and the like would deliberately deceive you. (It’s so easy to manipulate algorithms and change text in a moments notice to support the political agenda at hand.)
19) You don’t realize that your smart fone is a sp-eyeing device
20) You believe N A S A
21) You don’t understand that all criminals don’t have tattoos, baggy pants, and a thuggish demeanor… many are actually beautiful, rich, elites
22) You never questioned 2020 consisted of a pandemic, businesses closed down, riots, racial and division, fact checkers, censorship, change $hortage, pushing a trial , the President of the USA gets kicked off of social media, stolen election, Bydon broke his ankle but was quickly walking without a boot “at his age”, social media b o t s manipulating conversations and creating h a t e, etc… as if any of these things were normal yet they all happened in ONE YEAR
23) Churches were shut down. Many still won’t sing, sit close, etc. I thought God was on our side, our healer, deliverer, protector, strong tower, etc… why would God’s people stand in fear?
24) SMALL CHILDREN were made to wear a face covering and were isolated. Some parents STILL put coverings on their children?!?
25) You have no idea about what’s been going on at D I S N E Y.
26) You have no idea what Op M O C K I N G B I R D, High-Jump, MKay Ul-tra, and etc are but even if you do know you believe it existed in the past and not today.
27) You think: “Well, there is nothing I can do anyway, so it is what it is.” (Faith without works is dead!)
28) You’ve never watched “The Fall of the Cabal” 1-24 on Rumble (not YouTube - they censor and put up false information)
29) You’ve never watched any of The Matrix movies - 1. The Matrix · 2. The Matrix Reloaded · 3. The Animatrix · 4. The Matrix Revolutions · 5. The Matrix Resurrections.
30) You refuse to believe that we’ve ALL been deliberately brainwashed by the powers that be. It’s kind of like getting someone delivered from alcohol or drugs. They cannot be set free until they “agree”that they are addicted. We must humble ourselves and realize that this is true.
31) You honestly believe 5 G and all these ugly towers that went up during Covid are to make our phone service better.
There is so much more I really want to say but these 31 points are a good starting place.
I’ve been sounding the alarm since 2020. I’ve told you my alternative social media sights that don’t censor. I’ve given you scripture verses. I’ve posted documents (some were hidden by F a k E B u k).
We are all in this together!
Drop your opinions and seek understanding so you can make it through this incredible time in history “unscathed.”
Wonderful things are going on behind the scenes.
It will be a bumpy ride. In fact, maybe scary. But don’t fear! God is for us… but, He blesses the humble and He blesses unity!!!
Make sure you’ve got extra food and water. Make sure you have a plan for your family. Keep extra cash on hand.
It’s not the end… it’s the beginning!!! A beautiful beginning. Think Noah getting off the ark. But, this time there will be more than 8 people on the ark! Not necessarily a flood situation but a definite defining moment in time.
Unity and Humility are Key!!!
Wisdom is the principle thing. But be sure to get Knowledge and Understanding too.
Lastly, repent of being a Trump hater. This is not about Trump. This is about America and the world! Whoever God uses to bring us “ALL” through this with victory is ok with me. And, God always uses people to do His will.
I’m not asking for popularity. I’m not looking for debate. I’m just telling you these things so that you can make an informed decision in the midst of craziness.
Oh… the announcement of the U K Queen was the marker that starts the finale. Those who have been keeping up with behind the scenes news all know this and understand. That’s why some people post things like: If You Know, You Know. Her passing was not a surprise but the public announcement was.
Do your research. Listen to family & friends who have done their research.
God bless you!
“This is when perseverance is needed on the part of God’s people, those who observe his commands and exercise Yeshua’s faithfulness.”
Revelation of Yeshua to Yochanan (Rev) 14:12 CJB
“The enemy doesn’t want you to get what God already has planned for you.” - Kim Clement
"The battle is real. Wrestle with the things that concern your destiny." - Deborah Ross
“And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, AND HAST REDEEMED US TO GOD by thy blood OUT OF EVERY KINDRED, and TONGUE, and PEOPLE, and NATION; and hast made us unto our God kings and priests: AND WE SHALL REIGN ON EARTH.”
~ Revelation 5:9-10 KJVAAE