Ok. I’ll be the one to poopoo on the parade… again. So sorry for having to shed light on the lure of darkness as it pertains to one of America's most favorite games of the year.
First, let me say that I did not watch the super bowl. I'm not a football fan and since I was under the weather, I did not attend any gatherings at friends houses. So after my husband came home from a gathering during the half time show, he decided to rewind the TV to the performance because he saw posts on social media that claimed it was fantastic. He knows since I’m a former dance teacher I love to watch dance stuff.
So, first of all… I could not understand one word they were saying in their rap songs. I'm not going to take the time to look up and post the words, but I saw where someone on social media did - and it was not good. (I highly recommend that parents start looking up the words to the songs their children are listening to these days.)
From a creative point of view, the staging was super cool. The hip-hop moves were fun and stylized. We’ll, except for the overly sexual scene in the cubicle where the girl acted like a (reptilian) snake on the floor; but I guess sex sells, and sadly, the goyim (the gentile people of the world) are so drunk off of the glitz and glamour of entertainment, they aren’t bothered by it anymore.
At the end of the performance, we both said, “Is that it?” In my opinion it was like a warm-up show for the real thing. There was never a moment of WOW factor or a crescendo in the presentation. Personally, I am saying this from a choreographer's point of view. My husband, who knows nothing about choreography (except the years he watched me at work) agreed. All we could say is, "well then?"
From my observation, the super bowl half time shows have been going downhill for the past 10-15 years. Let me correct that by saying, they are already downhill. What I mean is that they are nothing more than a sexual presentation of political views full of demonic seduction. God-fearing Americans used to be shocked, but now everyone has been conditioned to accept almost anything. And so, the "evil powers that be" keep feeding us more and more of their slow roll-out of deception and filth that will ultimately bring about the destruction of our nation, as morality continues to decline. Yet, the vast majority of viewers will party, post, pattycake and act as is nothing is wrong.
Don’t get me wrong, I love hip-hop, dance arts, rap and all kinds of music. But… as a creative, conservative who loves God and country, I want to see substance without politics and moves without sex and hear songs where I understand the words (without feeling shameful for snapping my fingers). I’m sick and tired of subliminal messages being crammed down our necks while watching the sheep line up for more poison.
It is heartbreaking to see America party at the pig’s trough when we should be careful to hate all forms of evil - especially seeing how it’s obvious that God is allowing us to receive the reward of our sins during this dispensation of time where things are falling apart on every level.
I know many hate it when truth is spoken but we must know that the truth will set us free.
Friends, only TRUTH will save our nation, our world, our children and our future. It’s a dangerous thing to poke an ignorant finger in the eye of a holy God.
Ok, so that’s my 2 cents. I wish I could have made everyone happy with a party post, but for me, truth is more important than popularity.
I love you all. And, I only want the best for you, your children, our country and our world.